Parents and Guardians of MLSD Students,
We are excited to begin the 2024/ 2025 school year! I would like to personally thank the board, administration, teachers, and support staff for all of their hard work and dedication and getting us prepared to serve students in this new and exciting new school-year. I look forward to welcoming our students, both present and new back to MHS!
Through hard work and planning of our staff, we have many exciting changes this year! We will be offering new elective and core area classes to our schedule, along with a large offering of College Credit Pluss classes through SSCC that students can take either in person or on line right here at MHS. Our After-School Program also returns this year to offer tutoring opportunities and activities for students after the school day.
Our dedicated teaching staff will continue to be working on curriculum and instructional improvements that will better serve our students. Our goal is that every student experience growth and the highest level of achievement possible while here at MHS.
We sincerely appreciate each and every student and parent here at MHS and consider their success and safety to be paramount. If I can ever answer any questions pertaining to your child, please do hesitate to contact me. You may also keep up with happenings at school, and important information by following our FB page, Manchester HS. I anticipate working with students this year with joy and excitement and can’t wait to see all of them the first day of school!
Go Greyhounds!
Timothy S. Davis
Principal, MHS
Ph. 937 549 4777 option 2